Dr. Sydney Nagi
Associate DVM
When did you start at Roadside? Spring of 2019
Where did you go to school? Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine
What do you love about veterinary medicine? What I love about veterinary medicine is it strengthens the human-animal bond and gives families more time with their pets. Every workday is different and keeps you on your toes. The work is difficult but rewarding.
What is your favorite thing about working at Roadside? It is a smaller group of staff and clients, so you get to know everyone on a much more personal level. It is also close to home for me and the clinic keeps a local feel.
If you have family or pets, what are their names/breeds? I have a fiance named Denton. I have three cats: Mochi & Sushi are domestic short hair and black. Prim is a domestic short hair and is calico.
What do you do for fun outside of work? Softball in the summer months. Reading, baking, beekeeping, and video games. Also spending time with cats.
What are three words your coworkers use to describe you? Easy going, funny, and nerdy.